Core Values

  • We believe in God, the Holy One, who remains far greater than our minds can comprehend. Yet, God is as close to us as our own breath, through love constantly at work in and through us to transform lives and renew creation. Our trust in God’s power and presence is what comforts us, strengthens us, motivates us and empowers us.

  • We believe that the Bible, written over thousands of years by many people, is the best way we can begin to understand what it means to be the people of God. In the New Testament we learn about the character of God through the accounts of the life, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus whose way we follow, trusting him to lead us in the ways of Peace, Justice and Compassion. We read and interpret the Bible in the context of the time in which it was recorded, benefiting from modern scholarship and the guidance of God’s Spirit in understanding its meaning for us in our day. We find no conflict between faith and science but recognize the way they inform each other. We understand that God is revealed to humankind in many ways and we reach out in friendship to people of other faith traditions.

  • We believe that God calls us into communities that recognize we are all on a journey and that we are often at different places on that journey. We take seriously Jesus’s model of reaching out and welcoming everyone. We believe that life in community is strengthened by diversity and by the unique gifts each person brings, irrespective of gender, age, race, class or sexual orientation.

  • We believe that the God whom we serve is the God who created the world we live in. We are creatures of earth and part of an interconnected web of life with all that has being. Through study, consciousness raising and practical projects we work hard to protect and heal the Earth and promote the wise use of its resources. This core value guides us in our policies and our commitment to responsible and sustainable practices.

  • We believe that, as followers of Jesus, we are called to love neighbor as ourselves, including future generations. This includes particularly, those who live on the margins, locally and globally, as well as those who are oppressed by prejudice, discrimination and unjust systems. We work to answer this call through direct financial aid, hands-on assistance, creative partnerships and advocacy.

  • As followers of the Prince of Peace, peacemaking is an important part of our mission. By providing opportunities for education and action, we do everything in our power to encourage resolution of conflicts through dialogue, understanding and negotiation, rather than violence, whether in homes and families, neighborhoods, nationally or internationally.

  • MPC members enjoy a close and supportive fellowship. The central importance of the community of faith has been recognized by Christians since biblical times…it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to be a solitary Christian. This faith community is built up in the context of worship, learning together and shared action.

  • We believe Spiritual growth is a life-long opportunity and challenge as we seek to live into our identity as Children of God. Spiritual growth begins in worship whether through personal spiritual practices or congregational worship. Through worship and sacrament we open ourselves to the mystery and wonder, grace and love of God.

  • We believe a community is one in which all are able to speak openly and all are listened to attentively. so that each member of the community can participate fully and express their opinions. Only in this way can the uniqueness of each one be honored while working toward consensus in matters that affect the community as a whole.